Emotional Wellness: How to Know When It’s Time to Seek Help

These days, millions of Americans are suffering from depression, anxiety, and various other mental and emotional disorders that can leave them feeling stressed, exhausted, helpless, and even suicidal. It’s hard to recognize those feelings in ourselves sometimes, especially when we have busy schedules and are preoccupied with taking care of our families. When you have time to yourself, however, you may begin to feel like you’re alone or that no one understands what you’re going through.

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The Captain-Ship Story Analogy for Your Life’s Journey (aka the Analogy that Changed My Life!)

Every single person is a captain of their own ship. Every person has a boat. I must be honest here. Every boat is not created equally. Some people have really fancy and fast motors as these boats were passed down to them from the captains before them. Some people have really small rafts that can barely stay afloat, created out of scraps and random items to hopefully keep them from falling apart. Some people have kayaks where they are putting so much effort and energy to row through the tides.

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10 Questions to Determine If You Are Occupationally Well

A common trend throughout my college experience is that students were going after careers that made a lot of money. You rarely hear someone say they want to go into a career because it makes them happy. But let's put it this way, if I came to your door and said I was going to give you a large check every 2 weeks but you have to give me your happiness in exchange.

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Why You Should Be Your True, Authentic Self at Work

Let’s break your life down into numbers. The average person’s lifespan is about 79 years. Within that time frame, we will spend 26 years sleeping, 7 years trying to go to sleep, 13 years working plus 1 year of overtime, 11 years screen time (tv, social media, etc), 4 years eating, 3 years traveling, 1 year exercising, 1 year for romance, and 1 year socializing. That’s a total of 68 years which means we have 11 years left and so much more that we do in life.

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I Don’t Always Feel Grateful and Here’s What I Do About It

Sometimes I feel like I am just the most spoiled brat. Let me explain. I get so frustrated in my circumstances because things are not going as planned and no matter how hard I try, I cannot even acknowledge what is working out. The irritation of my present supersedes anything good happening around me and I just want to roll over in my misery until…well until whenever it stops. I admit it.

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How To Interpret What Your Body Is Telling You: Interview with Ariana Rintz

What do you think of when you hear the phrase, mind-body wellness? If you’re like me, it’s probably something along the lines of doing what you can to support a healthy lifestyle. During my conversation with Ariana, I came to understand that it’s much more than that and I was amazed at how important it actually is because the benefits of simply knowing about it can make a substantial difference

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A Positive Lesson From COVID-19

The year 2020 was defined by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have endured job loss, depression and death. But if Covid has taught us anything, it’s that we are fully capable of pushing past our fears when we really have to. Everyone’s world has been turned upside down and fear has invaded the forefront of our society. But what did we do? We kept moving forward because we had to.

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Solutions to Help Remote Workers Thrive in the Virtual Workplace

While remote employees and teams have many advantages, they also have challenges that they have to tackle by themselves. From my own experience, these challenges that I have experienced myself and still tend to struggle with on occasion. If you’re working from home and these resonate with you, you’re not alone. Many remote employees struggle with these as well.

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4 Handy Tips from Retreat Specialists to Keep Employees Productive

Many companies have shifted to working remotely so knowing how to keep your employees productive can seem like a daunting task for company leaders. As a mental empowerment retreat company, we specialize in the topic of productivity and I’m going to let you in on some secrets. Here are 4 ways company leaders can keep their employees productive while working from home:

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I Am the CEO of a Mental Wellness Retreat Company But I Still Struggle Too.

At the end of the day, the future waits for no one. It comes full force with whatever it decides to carry. So, if it’s going to be a hurricane, best believe you are not alone to face it. I am in the hurricane too. It is the same storm that we face even thousands of miles apart. We’ve got this. Hand in hand. Arm in arm. Heart to heart.

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Why Companies Should Treat Team Member Dreams as Assets and Not Hindrances (and How Project Passport Does It)

There are many ways to create a thriving work experience for staff that helps the bottom line and the employees at the same time. Everything starts with understanding the actual needs and desires of team members all the way from the first point of contact. With a workforce-driven focus, this translates to better client services and better production outcomes.

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