3 Ways to Make the Most of Your Life With the Rest of 2021

by Sabriya Dobbins, Founder of Project Passport

We came out of a heckuva year this past 2020 and 2021 is not too far behind in the chaos. People are running around like madmen trying to rediscover themselves, make new careers, and find their footing after experiencing so much despair and loss. Not to mention, we are trying to all make up for our lost summers and missed life events. With so many things to catch up on and so much to do within our limitation of time, where do you start? How do you make the most of 2021?

 Here are three ways to do just that:

1. Values. Keep those top of mind. If you do not know what is important to you, you are risking finding yourself doing things that do not make you happy over and over again. Think about what traits you want to see in yourself, in life, and in others you interact with. How do you want to show up on your day to day? Your values will always guide you with your “North star“ direction and remind you what you don’t want at the very least in life. You can make the most of your time by only pursuing things that are in line with what is important to your life values and happiness.

Photo by Long Truong on Unsplash

Photo by Long Truong on Unsplash

For example, if you value “Integrity,” you are not going to continue to work in a role where you find yourself compromising this over and over. You won’t be able to rest well at night and you are not able to make the most of your life no matter how hard you try. In other words, you will be doing whatever it takes to realign yourself in a place of integrity. Your life wellbeing depends on it!

2. Do the Impossible. We all have our own vision and perspective on what we consider possible. The Wright Brothers were probably told they were insane a billion times, but they sure did fly that airplane! What is your airplane? If 2020/2021 taught us anything, the impossible is the new possible. Being a highly advanced society, we were pretty confident a pandemic could not single-handedly take out our economy, humanity, and whole world like it did. We were pretty sure, racial justice conversations would never blow up in the world like they did so fast.

The impossible just kept becoming more and more possible as the year flew by. Actors and leaders who had been around forever passing away. People fighting over toilet paper like tigers in a jungle. People singing together from their buildings in worldwide isolation to stay connected. We never could imagine those things would happen.

Challenge yourself to think about some things in your life that you thought would be impossible to do at this time. Maybe you feel too old. Maybe you never thought you could make that move to your dream location. Maybe you never imagined asking for that promotion. We are in a new world and the playing field has changed. What if you are just the right age for this new adventure? What if you could actually get that remote job and move? What if companies know now that if you do not get that promotion you deserve, they will lose an asset? All of these questions are entirely possible now. The world will never be the same and nor will you. You don’t get to stay in a life that makes you unhappy anymore. There are too many things in place lining up for your success. This has been shown time and time again in people’s stories shared during this time. Project Passport is a miracle. We fell apart when the pandemic hit but then we built back larger than ever before because of your unique product being just the right fit for the world.

Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash

3. Get Cozy with Your People. Who are YOUR people? Those people you can count on to keep your head up when you are feeling hard on yourself and struggling to get through life. This is a time more than ever where you need to pay attention to those who have been bringing positive vibes into your life. Whether it is the friend who constantly prays for you or the friend who reminds you of how proud they are of you, you need to really stay connected to them. There are still so many obstacles to overcome this year and you are not meant to do it alone. By sharing hardships and the unknown with people who want the best for you, you open up your world of hope. Hope is what keeps us going even when the sky is really dark and cloudy. Just because we are out of the heat of things, does not mean there are sunshine and rainbows on the other end. However, the thing that brings us the most comfort as humans is knowing we do not have to weather the storm in our own heads. These people are going to help remind you why life is worth it and why we are even here in the first place: to build joyful lives alongside others while bringing more joy into the world.


2020 punched us in the face. 2021 kicked us in the gut. That does not mean you are out of the ring and it is all over. You still have the ability to get up swinging and you do not have to swing alone. Let’s take the last 6-7 months of 2021 and make them the best months of your life. As long as you are breathing, despite what you have been through, you still have time. Don’t shut the door on a life of hope and joy just because you are in a world of uncertainty and fear.


Project Passport is a proactive mental wellness company that aims to bring mental wellness retreats, workshops and other services to company teams. We also help women create joy in their lives every step of the way. To learn more about our company retreats and services, click here. To learn more about our tribe community for women, click here. Our travel retreats will resume in the future as the world reopens.