The Seven Dimensions of Wellness
By Hannah Whitesides, Retreat Leader & Fear Management Specialist for our Company Virtual Retreats
The term ‘wellness’ is a very vague term. For many people, they think of wellness as relating to physical and nutritional health. I believe that this is because ‘wellness’ is commonly associated with things of that nature as a form of marketing. For example, convincing the public to attend a yoga class, invest in a gym membership, or subscribe to a diet meal service. In my experience, and probably yours, ‘wellness’ has only been attributed to its physical dimension. While the physical dimension is important, I wrote this blog as a way to bring awareness and change the narrative so that the other six dimensions are also recognized and valued.
Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash
The Seven Dimensions of Wellness include: physical, spiritual, emotional, social, environmental, career, and intellectual.
In your daily life, have you ever felt like everything was going great, but for some reason you felt a little off, like something(s) is missing? If so, that feeling could be traced back to one or more of the dimensions. It is extremely difficult to evenly distribute time and energy in all of the dimensions at once. Because of this, you may find yourself overindulging in one and lacking in another.
I have explained each of the seven dimensions below. Following each description is a list of some qualities that an individual who is considered to be well in that dimension would possess. As you go through each dimension, I want you to write down or make a mental note of how many things apply to you in your life at this very moment. By doing this, you will be able to pinpoint which dimension(s) you’re thriving in and which one’s you’re lacking in.
Physical Dimension of Wellness
Physical wellness is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows one to get through daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. Optimal physical wellness is met through a combination of good exercise and eating habits.
Check all the apply:
Proper diet
Drink enough water
Meal portion control
Strive to maintain a healthy weight
Restful sleep
Regular exercise
Spiritual Dimension of Wellness
The spiritual dimension recognizes one's search for meaning and purpose in human existence. It includes the development of a deep appreciation for the depth and expanse of life and natural forces that exist in the universe. Becoming spiritually well means striving for consistency with our values and beliefs.
Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash
Check all the apply:
A sense of purpose
Personal values: What are they? __________
Connect to a high power/identify with a divine energy
Comfortable spending time alone
People feel comfortable being who they truly are around you
Mostly optimistic about life
Easy to feel at peace
Emotional Dimension of Wellness
The emotional dimension recognizes awareness, acceptance and a healthy expression of one’s feelings such as happiness, hope, love, joy, sadness, anger, fear, and/or stress. Emotional wellness encompasses optimism, self-esteem, and self-acceptance. It includes the capacity to manage feelings and related behaviors including the realistic assessment of limitations, development of autonomy, and ability to cope effectively with stress. Emotional wellness also includes intimacy, independence, and interdependence.
Check all the apply:
Intimate relationships
Personal identity
Positive self-talk
Healthy coping mechanisms
Social Dimension of Wellness
Social wellness is the ability to relate to and connect with other people in the world. It encourages one to become aware of his or her importance in society. The ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with family, friends and co-workers contributes to social wellness. Social wellness also includes showing respect for others, oneself and other cultures.
Check all the apply:
Non-toxic friendships/relationships
Being of service to others
Ability to communicate effectively
Environmental Dimension of Wellness
The environmental dimension is recognizing the unstable state of the earth and the effects of daily habits on the physical environment. It consists of maintaining a way of life that maximizes harmony with the earth and minimizes harm to the environment. Becoming environmentally well means cultivating a connection with nature and respecting it.
Check all the apply:
Positive surroundings the promote joy
Healthy sleeping environment
Conserve water and other resources
Noise reduction
Nature therapy
Career Dimension of Wellness
The career dimension recognizes personal satisfaction and enrichment in life through work. It is the ability to get personal fulfillment from jobs or chosen career fields while still maintaining balance in life. Achieving optimal career wellness allows one to maintain a positive attitude and experience satisfaction and pleasure in employment.
Check all the apply:
Career fulfillment
Work/life balance
Dedication to one’s values in their vocation
You are able to contribute your skills/talents regularly in the workplace
You have a positive vision of your future
Intellectual Dimension of Wellness
The intellectual dimension encourages creative, stimulating mental activities. A well person expands his or her knowledge and skills while discovering the potential for sharing one’s gifts with others. To become intellectually well, it is important to explore issues related to problem solving, critical thinking, and adaptation to change.
Check all the apply:
Stimulation of the mind
Emotional intelligence
Consistent growth in skills
Seek challenges
Understanding the Seven Dimensions of Wellness and noticing which dimensions you gravitate to and which ones you shy away from is only the beginning. By taking action and putting energy into these various dimensions, your overall wellness will skyrocket. As I usually say, wellness is not one-size fits all so we can’t treat it as such. Figure out what you need and the rest will follow.
These definitions were obtained from:
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, School of Health Sciences and Wellness
Source of main blog header photo by Heidi Kaden on Unsplash
Project Passport is a proactive mental wellness company that aims to bring mental wellness retreats, workshops and other services to company teams. We also help women create joy in their lives every step of the way. To learn more about our company retreats and services, click here. To learn more about our tribe community for women, click here. Our travel retreats will resume in the future as the world reopens.