Killing Time Is Killing You, Your Employees, and Your Revenue

By Hannah Whitesides, Retreat Leader & Fear Management Specialist for our Company Virtual Retreats

Let me ask you a question. For those of you who work from 9am to 5pm every day, how much of your day are you wasting trying to kill time? Constantly staring at the clock then back at your bleak computer screen filled with half finished assignments. Deadlines have crippled our creativity and our passion for the work we do. Suddenly a task we would otherwise enjoy turns into a stress-induced stomach ache because it is due in 24 hours. But why? Why do we have to go so fast? Why has everything become a race? 

CEOs, executives, team leads, and managers: Why are you wasting money paying your employees to twiddle their thumbs? Why are you setting a strict deadline for a task you won’t look at for another week? 

We have to stop the clock. The only way to do that is to move from a time-oriented work schedule to a task-oriented work schedule. 

When you run your company on a time-based schedule, you encourage your employees to place urgency above importance. In other words, it places quantity above quality. For anyone who has started a company or created something they’re proud of, would you want your name to be on that product that’s going out into the world on time but mediocre? Or do you want to be proud of every product or service you provide because you allowed your employees to focus on the task rather than the time they spent on it? 

The Future of Productivity Is Now 

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The last few years of the millennial generation are starting their careers. This generation has infiltrated the workplace and are advocating for change, specifically a switch to a task-oriented schedule. Only 31% of Millennials claim that office attendance on a regular basis is necessary. This is because they tend to measure their productivity by the tasks they complete rather than the time they spend in the office.

This generation is establishing a new point of view on life that doesn’t revolve around work. Rather work beautifully bonds with life in a flowing process. They are taking more personal time for themselves and their families while also being okay with working late nights and weekends. Therefore, 45% of Millennials will choose a job that offers more flexibility rather than one that offers higher pay. You must be prepared for the evolving needs of your team and workforce.

So which will you choose? Task or time? 

Project Passport is a proactive mental wellness company that aims to bring mental wellness retreats, workshops and other services to company teams. We also help women create joy in their lives every step of the way. To learn more about our company retreats and services, click here. To learn more about our tribe community for women, click here. Our travel retreats will resume in the future as the world reopens.