3 Reasons Why Kenya is the Perfect Place to Find Yourself

By: Sabriya Dobbins, Life Discovery Expert and contributions by Hannah Whitesides, Travel Expert

Kenya is a beautiful country filled with a variety of ethnic groups and communities. With dashing rural settings to dynamic, busy cities, it is far from what is often depicted on TV screens. Only becoming independent in 1964, Kenya has endured the fight to maintain their identity for centuries. Somehow with tenacity and determination, the country has risen from the ashes to maintain its special culture and heritage. This place is perfect for self-discovery for many reasons but here are a few key ones below:

1) The Expectations Are Not There

Kenya has such unique values and traditions that differ from many Western nations. When the expectations of your home country are removed, then you are able to truly, freely explore who you are. You are not judged on the same level as you would be in your home country. Though the Kenyan cultural mold is different, they will have no expectations of you to live their way of life. They see you as someone from the outside coming in to learn about their culture and world. Yes, there may be some pre-conceived notions they may have about your culture, however they do not have enough evidence to assume you will be like “every other European” or “every other American.”


Nonetheless, no one freaking knows you! Literally, even if you do make mistakes in your journey of self-discovery (assuming they aren’t illegal mistakes), no one would know in your home country. It is very unlikely that people are going to pay so much attention to you where you’ll find yourself plastered all over social media when you get home. If your self-discovery journey means singing bad karaoke or dancing wildly on the town square at a festival, you can do that in Kenya and then you can move on with your life in peace!


2) All Life Began There

According to research studies, Kenya is suspected to be the place where all human life began. What better place to go to find out who you are than the place where we started? Think about it. At the end of the day, we are all human and we all trace back to ancestors many years ago. If you connect yourself to the land where it all started, you have room and influence to start connecting with yourself. When you were born, who were you originally meant to be? You know deep down in your heart. Who were you supposed to be? How did you somehow veer off the path of your destiny and your purpose? Spending time in the silence especially in the vast Kenyan terrains is a great way to start exploring those answers. You would be surprised what a little bit of silence and a special location can do.


3) Your Chance to Tell Your Story

Storytelling, referred to as ‘orature,’ is an ancient practice in Kenya that has been passed down for generations. They use storytelling to share the family history, traditions, and beliefs of their culture. These stories give them an opportunity to leave the real world and to enter the world and imagination of another.

This is YOUR chance to tell your stories. Often times, we feel silenced in our home countries because there are little to no spaces to share your stories (besides the counseling chair!) This country provides you with the opportunity to take part in storytelling when you immerse yourself among the people and really take the time to connect. Since storytelling is the norm, you are more likely to be heard and appreciated for sharing your experiences. It does not have to feel clinical and you can just be you in the process, a critical piece in self-discovery.


Self-Discovery Retreat in Kenya

You can do all of these things above on a mental wellness retreat with Project Passport as we are embarking on a journey of self-discovery and understanding along the way. Strip away the expectations of your life back home and give yourself the opportunity to begin to find yourself again. You are not lost-- you are just waiting to be found. In addition, download our self-knowledge assessment to start exploring how well you understand yourself today.


Project Passport is a mental empowerment retreat and event company created to help women connect with one another and gain the tools to improve their lives in the best way possible. Each retreat experience has a unique theme with carefully designed activities to help participants grow and experience transformation. We are making mental wellness the norm, one retreat at a time. Learn more at project-passport.com.