We Are All Destined to Overcome, Just Ask Jada Brown

Interview by Sabriya Dobbins, Founder of Project Passport of Jada Brown, Blogger and Student


“Confusing.” If Jada Brown could describe her life in one word growing up, that is what it would be. As a young girl being raised in Valdosta, GA, she experienced some of her most difficult times. “Rejection” was the definition of many of her childhood years as her household was ripped apart in divorce. Her dad left leaving her feeling like she had to carry the blame; and with a busy single mother, working to make ends meet, she often felt alone and isolated. This start to her life would pour into her journey over the years as she is now a 21 year old college student, trying to navigate the world as best as she can.



For most of her life, Jada faced insecurities, physically, mentally, emotionally and they only exacerbated the older she got. Going to college was a difficult transition for her, especially in choosing the path that would fit her most and the one that made sense for her journey. One day, during her freshman year, her entire life flipped on its axis.


She faced a traumatic sexual assault. In pure shock, she attempted to ignore what had happened. She wanted to believe she would be okay. Like everything else in her life, she craved to just sweep it all under the rug. But this time she couldn’t. This made her realize that she could no longer sweep anything under the rug. She had to start facing everything she had been through.


Jada had hit her breaking point. Experiencing suicidal thoughts and intense depression, she sought the First Lady of her church who explained to Jada, “It is okay not to be okay.” She urged Jada to attend therapy. That was the permission Jada needed and going to therapy became the turning point in her life. She learned,


“It doesn’t mean you have to walk around with things on your chest. You are allowed to live life to the fullest.”


Jada believes that everyone on this earth has a story. She got to the point where she realized she was no longer going to live a life in sheer pain. Through encouragement from her therapist and her best friend, Jess, she decided to channel her pain into her candid yet compassionate blog, Destined.



“If me telling people, ‘yes I am depressed.’ I feel insecure about my body. If me telling people, ‘I come from a step sibling household.’ If it will pull someone else through… then I will do it. I don’t want to die on full. I don’t want to die with all of this stuff inside that I can use to help others.”


The blog for her is an outlet for when she is feeling frustrated and a go-to when she is done with prayer. Sometimes life is hard, but she knows she is destined to overcome. Jada explains that people often hype the outcome, but they never share the process, the pain it takes to rise.

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“This is my ugly truth. If I can push through the ugly truth, you can too.”


Upon graduation, she hopes to work in or own a public relations firm. She plans to continue writing her blog and sharing her story. When asked to provide encouragement for others that she would give, she stated,


“No matter where you are in life, there is always a place for you to have a 180. If we could get to a place to say I am okay with being vulnerable, people can support each other. It is always better when you have us verses me.”


Check out Jada’s blog, Destined.


Project Passport is a proactive mental wellness company that aims to bring mental wellness retreats, workshops and other services to company teams. We also help women create joy in their lives every step of the way. To learn more about our company retreats and services, click here. To learn more about our tribe community for women, click here. Our travel retreats will resume in the future as the world reopens.