Why Have You Not “Given Birth” to Your Dreams?

By Sabriya Dobbins, Founder of Project Passport and Life Discovery Expert

Every single person is born pregnant…metaphorically speaking. Every single person is born pregnant with a dream. This dream is the tiniest of seeds and unlike a nine-month pregnancy, it takes years to grow and develop. Each seed has its own timeline inside of each parent. No one person shares the same timeline. Nonetheless, we all walk around pregnant.


Throughout life, there are things that nurture your “dream seed.” There are also things that cause it to reverse or slow in growth and eventually die. Nonetheless, the seed is resilient and will thrive as hard as it possibly can.  


But here is when it starts to get complicated. Some seeds start blooming in people when they are young. Those blooms produce purpose and meaning and when birthed, they change the world. Some seeds stay dormant much longer than they were ever intended to be, thus they begin to die. Let’s take this into the terms of reality…

You are born with a dream that will one day develop into your purpose. You may not know what that dream is or that purpose could be in this moment but it is there regardless of how you feel. You decide if you want to contribute to finding and nourishing that dream by trying new things, meeting new people, and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. You can also decide to attempt to kill your dream by listening to naysayers, allowing the world to dictate your future, sitting in comfort, and losing your self-worth. You get to decide exactly how your dream plays out.

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Now let’s test something. Are you living the life that you envisioned right now? Are you in the job you wanted or are you almost in it? Are you doing the things that you hoped you would? Really, close your eyes and think about it. Well, why didn’t it happen? This sucks to probably actually think about and say out loud. But being able to admit that you are not where you hoped you would be is the first step.


Back to the metaphor of your pregnancy of dreams…


People have chosen to abuse their unborn child (their dreams). Hence, they never will see the life of purpose unfold in front of their eyes. On top of that, they start to give into what the world wants them to subscribe themselves to—not to what they truly want. Their dream, in essence, begins to kill them from the inside out. When a mother has a child that is overdue, she often has to resort to a C-section to save her life and the life of the baby. If a dream stays dormant for too long, it begins to rot and deteriorate inside the physical body and you may become desperate for a C-section.


This leads to the many physical and emotional human ailments that we see: headaches, depression, anxiety, stomach pain, stress, and others. To ignore your dreams can literally take your life. You can begin to die if you do not live your purpose.

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Kelsy Timas, Wellness Expert and owner of Guiding Wellness says it best, “When we are not allowed the space to explore who and how we are here, most people go mad. People end up living a life they never designed for themselves. We begin to rot in our safety.”  


Therefore, we emphatically ask: Are you suffering the pain of not living your dreams and not walking into your purpose? Why have you not given birth? Let’s start with exploring your sense of self in Kenya.


Project Passport is a mental empowerment retreat and event company created to help women connect with one another and gain the tools to improve their lives in the best way possible. Each retreat experience has a unique theme with carefully designed activities to help participants grow and experience transformation. We are making mental wellness the norm, one retreat at a time. Learn more at project-passport.com.