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Which One is Better: Wellness Travel Retreats Vs. Vacations

By Sabriya Dobbins, Founder of Project Passport

As the market for wellness tourism increases, people are beginning to wonder how this type of travel differs from the concept of a vacation. Is there even a difference? Which one is better to experience? One thing is for sure, vacationing and wellness retreating are both exciting to experience and necessary for one’s overall happiness.


Intentions determine travel type. If you are specifically planning to go on a trip to have fun or relax because you need to get away from work and/or home life, you are probably going on a vacation. A vacation is seen more so as an escape from your problems and you often return to the same issues that were at hand, only they were put on hold while you were gone. A wellness retreat involves the intent to improve some part of your life, whereas you can return home in a better situation than when you left. The wellness retreat can be focused on weight loss, mental health, meditation, and many other things. If the retreat is done correctly, you return home feeling more prepared to take on the pressing situations or issues in your life.

Time frame impacts outcome. For vacations, people often fit them in where they can fit them. Even if they end up being just for a weekend, we are desperate to make them fit the busy puzzle of life. A wellness retreat is more effective when you carve time out and realize that time must be sacrificed to truly undergo transformation. Two days does not do a retreat justice because these experiences help instill new habits, beliefs, and values to help participants walk away feeling empowered and prepared. Five to ten days is a sweet spot for retreats.


Meaning is either ignored or injected. While on vacation, you may lay on the beach and appreciate the sun on your skin for a moment. Maybe you’ll have a couple of life conversations with your travel group. However, the experience is very surface level and things do not really go to the vulnerable depth. Each day is kept pretty lighthearted. In a wellness retreat, meaning is injected into almost every aspect. Simple activities are discussed and reflected upon. Deeper, more prying conversations are had to force participants to “go there” in their minds. Retreats push you to explore meaning behind your life while vacations typically ignore that concept.

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Hands on or hands off. Vacations usually take more planning and selection. Even if you are working with a travel agent, you have to select the excursions, accommodation type, meals and etc. A lot of hands on planning takes place to create the perfect package. You get to ensure you are getting exactly what you want. With a retreat, logistics are mainly handled for you. It is a very hands-off experience that simply requires that you show up. Retreats are meant to be low stress even from the selection phase, so the hardest part is simply choosing the right retreat.

Making it about you. Vacations mainly consist of family or friends coming together to share an exciting experience. You could also take a solo vacation or participate in a travel group. Overall, a vacation is usually about multiple people all having their piece of the experience. It is not about any one person. On the other hand, a wellness retreat is all about you. Literally, every participant is there looking to take something from the table to implant within. It is not selfish rather it is critical as the experience is made to produce growth.


There is nothing wrong with taking a vacation and there is nothing wrong with choosing a retreat. You have to decide what works for you and what you need in that particular time in your life. Have you ever been on a wellness retreat? Learn more about Project Passport’s retreat experiences and try something new!


Project Passport is a mental empowerment retreat and event company created to help women connect with one another and gain the tools to improve their lives in the best way possible. Each retreat experience has a unique theme with carefully designed activities to help participants grow and experience transformation. We are making mental wellness the norm, one retreat at a time. Learn more at