Happiness is Not the Same Thing as Joy

By Sabriya Charles, Life Discovery Expert

Joy and happiness are often two words that are thrown around to express a positive emotion. However, I am here to explain to you that joy and happiness are two very different things. You want to achieve one for the long term while the other can be fleeting.

Happiness is a fickle feeling. You may feel happy because you got a good grade on a test or maybe you received a promotion. Happiness can be scaled, which means that it can be at a high level, such as visiting Disney, or at a muted level, such as when it is a nice day outside again. It can be quickly wiped away if an incident occurs, and you can easily find yourself upset or sad, almost like you were never happy! 

I find myself most happy when I am on a creative high. When I am producing amazing content, PDFs, and blogs, I feel so proud of myself. My lows kick in when I feel uninspired or like my work is not up to par. It really dampens my happiness and leaves me feeling a little more annoyed than anything.

When do you feel most happy? Are you outside or inside? Is the music on or off? Are you playing your favorite sport or maybe your favorite instrument?

Joy is so much deeper than happiness. It is a decision that you make on a daily basis that remains consistently deep in your soul. When you choose joy, even when happiness is low, you still feel a twinkle in your heart. You feel content with the future in whatever it brings. The littlest hints of good in every single day shine bright despite the bad. You find something to smile about in every situation no matter how bleak.

I have had to create joy in my life in every single facet.

It is not a comfortable process at all, but it is an intentional journey that provides immense reward in the long run. I never have a truly bad day. Even when I am feeling sad, there is a glimmer in my soul that reminds me that better days are right around the corner. I always remember that life can look totally different, even three months from now. I savor in the moments. The meal I am eating. The walking of the dogs. The sound of the keys as I type. Every moment, I find something that gives me hope.

 Joy is consistent and unwavering. Happiness is fleeting.


Project Passport is a proactive mental wellness company that aims to bring mental wellness retreats, workshops and other services to company teams. We also help individuals create joy in their lives every step of the way. To learn more about our company retreats and services, click here. Our travel retreats will resume in the future as the world reopens.