Activate Your Company Like Never Before With Project Passport

Developed by Life Discovery Expert, Sabriya Dobbins and Travel Expert, Hannah Whitesides 

What does mental wellness have to do with business?

You want a living workforce and a productively, engaged one too! According, to a study by Gallup, it was found that over 63% of workers felt disengaged from their work, due to stress, resulting in increased mistakes, lower productivity, and lesser focus. A 2016 Harvard/Stanford study showed that 120 people die a year due to workplace stress. Mental health care costs are skyrocketing as burnt out and stressed individuals are finding themselves needing more medical support to cope with life situations. This is turn impacts work greatly!

What’s at stake?

With the estimation of over 70% of employees not working to their fullest potential, $400-500 billion is lost in workplace productivity per year. Not millions, billions! Your company’s money is going down the drain. With the up and coming workforce, they are looking for the companies that are going to see their health as a priority! People are feeling overwhelmed at work and at home, therefore company results are plummeting.

What happens when companies invest in employee wellbeing?

The results are staggering with reported increases in productivity and employee engagement over 20%. Companies have reported an average output of $2.71 by employees for every dollar invested in employee wellness. Medical costs also fall $3.27 for every dollar spent. Company gains and savings all from a single investment!  


What does this $2.71 return look like for a mental wellness retreat investment?

Happy, more loyal, now post-retreat employees feel that they are able to give back $8,130 worth of work from just a $3,000 retreat investment. Now take this on the larger scale for 100 employees. That’s over three-quarters of a million dollars of return for a $3,000 investment per employee.

What does a wellness retreat with Project Passport do for your team?

Whether, you decide to send team members on an existing retreat, or you create a custom experience for your team, the following areas are more likely to result in:

  • Increased employee creativity (up to 20%)

  • Increased productivity (up to 20%)

  • Increased cross-cultural knowledge and communication (and social awareness)

  • Increased confidence and stress management skills

  • Increased company loyalty

  • Increased focus

  • Increased problem-solving skills (from navigating the world of course and team challenges!)

What does a wellness retreat with Project Passport look like vs. what you offer now?

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How much are you already investing in employee wellness, professional/personal growth, and confidence workshops? Probably thousands. They usually sit in a room with tables and listen to a speaker all day with a few activities, if any. Maybe a yoga session here and there?

Imagine your team members being removed from the day to day, to solely focus on improving their confidence, stress-management, problem-solving skills, and other aspects of their personal and professional lives. Each retreat has a theme that pours into all areas of the trip including: unique excursions, reflection dinners, and activities. The theme even determines retreat locations! The Project Passport workshops contain interactive activities that will leave these themes and lessons embedded in the minds of the team members.

NOTE: We are now offering virtual experiences until further notice that provide dynamic content and similar offerings to our in person retreats.

Often times, Project Passport works with mental health professionals and specialists to help lead workshops and retreat activities. Participants are able to have a little team fun and excursions to balance out the busy workshop days. Employees will return home with retained skills that they can bring to work each day. Retreats take place internationally and domestically with adjustable time frames.

Aren’t your employees already traveling?

Your team members already take vacations to “de-stress” and to “get away from life.” What if you could ensure their vacation would result in production for you? Most times employees return to work feeling overwhelmed with projects to be completed or wishing that they could still be out of the office. Why not allow them to take part in an experience that motivates them to take care of their lives in the best way, especially professionally? Vacations simply ignore life problems and situations. Project Passport retreats face them head on in a unique fashion! Check out our virtual retreats in the meantime!

What is there to also gain?

Your company can attract even stronger talent. Think about how it will feel to tell a potential candidate that they are able to attend subsidized or all expenses paid wellness retreats for their mental wellbeing. This would help them choose your company a lot more easily over their counterparts, even with a lower pay offering!

These retreats may be tax deductible. Often times, when you invest into the productivity of the company (including employee wellness), tax write offs follow. Therefore, less dollars are going to taxes and more dollars are going to the company and its staff!

Your employees won’t want to leave. Companies like SAS are known for their extremely low turnover rates because they invest in their employees heavily, not necessarily in salary either. They are known for their focus on employee wellness and support. Offering your team mental wellness retreats sets a new bar! Thousands are spent to hire on team members. Why not save those dollars and place them in other essential areas of the business instead of sinking costs in losing employees.


Project Passport is a proactive mental wellness company that aims to bring mental wellness retreats, workshops and other services to company teams. We also help women create joy in their lives every step of the way. To learn more about our company retreats and services, click here. To learn more about our tribe community for women, click here. Our travel retreats will resume in the future as the world reopens.