By Hannah Whitesides, Director of the Tribe @ Project P and the Project Passport Wellness Hub.
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash
Note: The Tribe @ Project P is paused at this time for the public and only open to women booked for travel retreats
When we were girls in grade school, we desperately wanted to be included and accepted. We wanted to be part of a group because for the first time since we were born, we had to figure out who we were outside of our parents' home. Some of us made friends easily, some not-so-much. But regardless of where we were in elementary and middle school, we all had those few friends in high school that were our lifeline. They were our shoulder to lean on, our most reliable partners, and our forever friends.
College, adulting, careers, all come fast. With all the excitement surrounding the new adventures we were about to embark on, we never had the chance to fully comprehend the fact that those friends who were part of our every day, would no longer play that constant role in our lives anymore -- at least most of them. Time goes on and we’re lucky if we get one conversation a week which forces us back into the girl we were when we first started school. The girl searching for acceptance, support, and above all genuine, honest friendship.
This cycle can be said for nearly every big milestone in our lives. As much as we want things to remain the same, life goes on and we all change and grow into the person we were meant to be. I know of way too many women whose friendships suffer because life gets in the way and eventually everything begins to seem more important than keeping up with those girls who were once your lifeline. Life is hard. Being a woman is hard. So why are we letting go of the one thing that used to put us back together?
As women, we need each other. That’s why Sabriya and I created the Tribe @ Project P. We wanted to create a space where when a woman feels like she has nowhere to turn too, she turns to The Tribe. A space where a burnt out doctor can learn how to manage stress and anxiety. A space where a struggling college student can discover her purpose. A space where a stay-at-home mom can learn how to care for herself while caring for others. A space where we can all come together as one and celebrate our achievements, get support through our struggles, overcome our fears and for the first time in a long time, form authentic connections with like-minded women.
The Tribe @ Project P is more than just a community, it’s a family. No matter where you are in your life right now, the door is always open for you to make it your home.
The Tribe @ Project P is an exclusive women's community that provides a sacred wellness space for women to feel seen, heard, and valued; allows them to connect and build a supportive community; enhances travel inspiration; and helps women foster life discovery while uncovering joy in their daily lives. The Tribe @ Project P offers 1:1 coaching opportunities, surprise membership gifts in the mail, live virtual retreats, fun virtual social events and interactive wellness content, activities and challenges.