Introducing the…

Hosted by Project Passport LLC and Sponsored by Interfaith America


Congratulations to Our First Cohort of 12!

Congrats to our first-ever cohort of graduates this October 2022!

Janet Roessler; Nathalie Marshall-Rodriguez; Annie Henderson; Ruth Selby; Artina Becerra; Erim Akpan; Lori Hill; Tiffany Solomon; Felipe Khristopher Blue; Toni McGill; Camille Brown-Lowery; and Stephanie Silverstein

About the Kaleidoscope Experience

About the Program:

“The Kaleidoscope Experience” is a FREE interactive 4-part series that challenges a diverse cohort of participants to become aware of and confront their worldviews through designing their own ‘life lenses’ in a hands-on, creative project. By navigating their unique designs together, participants have the opportunity to explore the worldviews of others via a facilitated dialogue and storytelling experience.

With faith, spiritual, and moral foundations serving as the backdrop for all people, the core aspect of this project encourages participants to understand how their life beliefs shape how they show up in the world and how it impacts how they perceive others. You’ll receive a graduation certificate at the end of the program!


How Does it Work: The virtual retreat portion will involve a series of 4 one-hour sessions called "Kaleidoscope Conversations," which will hone in on key aspects of the kaleidoscope as people build and design their own. Review the brochure to learn about the topics covered. The experience is cohort style with only 10-15 attendees throughout.

Throughout this project, we will film aspects of the sessions to create a final showcase video to help encourage others to make their own kaleidoscopes and to have these "Kaleidoscope Conversations" with loved ones, friends, colleagues, and people in their lives.


Mailed Kaleidoscope Kits: This hands-on experience includes the development of Kaleidoscopes by the participants to help symbolize their views and journeys to share with others. These kits will be utilized throughout the participant journey. The kits will be sent in the mail at least 1 week prior to the start of the program.