Group therapy, retreats, and coaching are a delicate process of sharing and support throughout sessions. You need just the right introduction and opening to set the tone, yet you need to heighten the engagement of participants through effective questioning or conversation starters. By the end, you have to be able to wrap it all up like a pro.

Whether you have the topic in mind with a rough flow of ideas or you need to figure out where to start from scratch, we have got you covered in the curriculum design process.


We can provide the following tools to make your program flow like butter or the sweet sound of a melody:

  • A curriculum guide that details the topic of each section as well as the content to be covered (with references of where the content came from)

  • Guiding questions and conversation starters related to the topics for the corresponding section (the trick is asking the right questions! We assist you in doing just that)

  • Activities for participants to complete relevant to the topics designed

  • Worksheets to help with solidifying the materials covered and that can serve as ongoing resources for participants

  • Recommendations for break or reflection time to include music playlists, movement activities, and other break-related activities

  • Engaging icebreaker activities to help jumpstart cohesion in the group experience.


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