Project Passport

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3 Reasons Why You Need a Wellness Retreat

By Sabriya Dobbins, Project Passport Founder

As a society, things have gotten very precarious for the average person. While we attempt to balance personal lives with relationships, school, careers, and other obligations, things can easily get overwhelming. The problem is, there is no such thing as a total “STOP” button to life so it just continues to come in full force. This proceeds to build up until the eruption of mental, emotional and/or physical breakdown. To put things simply: Life is complicated. Everyone deserves a breather and everyone needs a life support vest.

Wellness retreats have become a popular go-to in the recent years with some of the most common retreat types being yoga, meditation, detox, and dieting. All of the research studies often come to the same conclusion, wellness retreats are helpful to the human mind, spirit and body. Here are a few reasons why you need a wellness retreat:

  1. You are not giving yourself time. How many times a day are you focused on doing something for someone else? Whether it be your boss, your friend, or family members, you are often times completing tasks for the satisfaction of others. Wellness retreats are not selfish because they help you to become the person you want to be for yourself. They push you to explore your inner self-love and to understand how you interact with the world. You absolutely need to give yourself time to explore your happiness, wants, and values so that you can reach personal goals along with the goals of others.

  2. Your body needs it. Often times, our bodies tap out before our minds do. Are you feeling the physical ailments of stress? Feeling tired more often? Irritable or full of anxiety? Wellness retreats are not only for the mind but they provide the body a sense of reprieve. If you do not give your body a “pause,” it will do it for you and usually during the most inconvenient times. It is critical to take responsibility for your physical wellbeing because others cannot feel what your body feels. Retreats often require immersing with nature and intentional activities that are kind to your body.

  3. You need to redirect your life and habits. Wellness retreats are the perfect opportunity to take a break from your current life. Maybe you are in a job you hate or a toxic relationship. Taking time away to work on yourself will allow you to return with more clarity. The key to finding peace within is making peace with your circumstances and navigating them accordingly. How can you navigate the situation if you have not taken a step back to view the entire map? You are never really stuck and there is always an option. A retreat is a great way to step away and discover those options.

Project Passport offers mental wellness retreats that each have their own theme. These themes address several areas of mental health including finding purpose, understanding self, exploring fears, and so much more. Our company takes care of all accommodations, excursions, and most meals for you so that you can spend your energy focusing on becoming the greatest version of you. Each retreat has activities and discussions designed by the Project Passport team in collaboration with coaches, counselors, and other mental health advocates. Take control of your wellness today!