Project Passport

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It is Okay to Cancel People Wanting to Zoom With You

By Sabriya Dobbins, Life Discovery Expert


Before this whole pandemic hit, it was a lot easier to say “no” to attending parties or dinner with friends.

You could easily say that you had a schedule conflict or needed to take care of something at home. They could not really prove if you were lying or not and would go on with their lives and let it go. Now, things have changed, and everyone is home more often than not.

The Zoom parties and teas, meetups, and coffee calls are making you want to scream. What is even harder is the fact that saying “no” is a clearer indication to others that you just simply don’t want to be there. The excuses are harder to justify because everyone is well—home. You are beginning to feel the guilt and frustration bubble as you attend meetup after meetup despite your exhaustion. Despite the fact that you just want to sit on your couch and watch a Netflix show with no one around to bother you.

 You are not alone! 

Zoom fatigue is a thing. And if you are going to Zoom, you have the right to do it on your own terms. You do not owe everyone your face on a screen, or honestly, you don’t have to tune in at all. Just as much as you wanted to say “no” to in-person events at times, you have that right with Zoom. A few great ways to get out of that Zoom event:

  1.  “We set aside family time each day now with the new circumstances, so I cannot attend your event today. Our time conflicts.”

  2. “I am working on chores at that time and I will not be able to sit at the screen and be engaged like I would want.”

  3. “X day is my “me” day hence I will not be able to attend any events.”

  4. “I will see if I can, but I may have a meeting conflict at that time but thanks for the invite.”

  5. “You know I am really feeling burned out. I can’t attend anything this week. I will call next week.”

  6. “My hair is not right! I don’t want to be on camera today!” (THIS ONE IS WONDERFUL!!)

 Bottom line, you STILL are in control of your time despite the new norm.  NO ONE has a right to your time but you, even if it is on Zoom. No one has cameras in your house, hence they cannot confirm your life (unless they are creepers!) And frankly, people get it. They are probably tired too.

So cancel on your Zoom people if you need it honey!

Project Passport is a proactive mental wellness company that aims to bring mental wellness retreats, workshops and other services to company teams. We also help women create joy in their lives every step of the way. To learn more about our company retreats and services, click here. To learn more about our tribe community for women, click here. Our travel retreats will resume in the future as the world reopens.